


It is not a rebonding. It is not your typical treatment
It does not contain harmful chemicals.
is a new solution for beautiful hair

Let us help you achieve hair that is easily
manageable and versatile to try new styles.

Science Aqua is different from the acidic chemical treatments and keratin treatments that we have been familiar with thus far. This is because it is a new treatment targeted at improving the condition of your hair without the use of any chemicals

As the treatment does not include any chemicals, the more you get this treatment done, the smoother your hair will be. Depending on how damaged your hair is, it is recommended that you get the treatment done once to thrice every 2 weeks to get the best results.
By adding this treatment to processes such a color or rebonding, we will be able to achieve a result better than before.

Science Aqua Treatment is currently known as the number 1 treatment in Japan media and magazines.
ARTNOISE is the first to bring Science Aqua Treatment to Singapore!
ARTNOISE in Tokyo already has their hands on Science Aqua Treatment and we have seen the results for ourselves.



Shampoo and blowdry is included.



In regards to the cuticles

Visibly damaged hair is mainly caused by changes in the cuticle and not in the cortex.

This is the condition of a cortex. Hair damage is not caused by the cortex
The cuticle is made up of scales and when each scale spread outwards, this is when hair appears damaged.

In regards to the cortex

The treatment restores your hair's smoothness and gives it a natural bounce.

This is a cortex of naturally curly hair
This is the cortex of hair of natural hair
A cortex that has been chemically damaged will have visible gaps.
With the treatment,The gaps are filled.


Depending on how much nutrients is restored into your hair,

  • • Dry and damaged hair can be treated and repaired with this treatment.
  • • It can smoothen out curls caused by dry heat or by chemicals
  • • The treatment can be done in addition to color and perm processes for a better finish
  • • The treatment can be done regardless of hair type and hair length


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