



Types of colouring techniques OMBRE COLOUR / ACID COLOUR
Customer's preference 'll leave it to the stylist. I have never bleached my hair before, so I want to challenge it. But, it seems scary to do it to my entire head.
I want to try something more flashy.
Advice from the stylist With the ombre technique, how about bleaching your hair and getting a purplish pink colour?
As it wouldn't require bleaching the whole head, it will reduce the pain (of bleaching your hair.
With an ombre technique, you also wouldn't have to be too concerned to when your hair grows out.
Customer's thoughts on the outcome It's the best. It's the first time that I've dyed a colour like this and it's really cute.
I really like it.
I was deeply touched at how he thought about how my hair would grow out (and recommended something based on that.
I really love it!
Stylist's thoughts on the outcome This time, not only did I bleach the ombre parts, for the middle of her hair, I also added some red-toned colours. I also added some acid colours so that the colour would come out nicely.
As I added pink hues to the top and violet-red hues inside, it'll become a versatile style where the design changes according to when you decide to curl it or tie it up.
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