



Types of colouring techniques HIGHLIGHT
Customer's preference The customer was looking for a brighter hair colour, but was also concerned about her thinning hair, so she wanted the damage level to be kept to a minimum. Also, she did not want the hair colour to turn out unnaturally bright nor did she want a loud colour.
Advice from the stylist As such, I advised her to go for about 6 to 7 points on her hair. The more bunches we colour, the higher the damage level. Therefore, to keep the damage level to a minimum, 6-7 bunches was a good number for the hair to look like it has been transformed from the previous colour. The customer's hair colour was already relatively bright, so I matched the brightness of the highlights to the base hair colour.
Customer's thoughts on the outcome The customer was delighted at how different she looked with just a few extra highlights on her hair. The highlights also came out natural-looking, which was what she had hoped for.
Stylist's thoughts on the outcome Everything turned out fine because the damage level was kept to a minimum while achieving a beautiful and bright colour for the customer.
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