



Types of colouring techniques HIGHLIGHT
Customer's preference As the customer has white hair, she wanted a colour that would prevent the white hair from standing out. At the same time, she didn't want a dark colour and also, a colour that wouldn't turn yellow as it fades. She wanted a colour that would last long.
Advice from the stylist For customers who have white hair, it's important to inform them of the period in which they'd need to retouch the roots again. When you dye your white hair by yourself, the colouring dye used in a salon is different. Therefore, according to the shampoo that you use at home, it'll determine how long the colour will stay.
Customer's thoughts on the outcome Not only was the white hair covered up, but a contrast was also created. I'm very satisfied with the results.
Stylist's thoughts on the outcome At first, I added the highlights before covering up the white hair as a whole. After it has been brightened, I added colours to the highlights. In order to prevent the white hair from looking too obvious when it grows out, I thought of using a pink-type colour as a contrast.
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