



Types of colouring techniques CRAZY COLOUR / GREYAGE COLOUR
Customer's preference This time, the customer wanted to dye her whole head violet. Previously, she had acid colours done, so it would be difficult to dye her whole head violet. So we settled for dyeing ash colours at the tips of her hair, and hence, creating a gradiation colour.
Advice from the stylist Firstly, for the colour this time, it was necessary to bleach her hair at least twice. Using the violet colour that she wanted, I created a gradiation colour from there. While using violet chemicals for the tips of her hair, and as expected, it turned into the acid colours like before!
Customer's thoughts on the outcome As she wanted to dye her whole head violet, I had told her beforehand that it might not be possible, and she understood. But she was satisfied with how natural the gradiation was!
Stylist's thoughts on the outcome As much as I'd like to satisfy the customer's request, but if it isn't possible, it was nice that we could reach an understanding between me and the customer, and make a decision together from that.
Singapore Hair Salon Art-Noise TOP

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