



Types of colouring techniques CRAZY COLOUR / INNER COLOUR
Customer's preference Inner colour using a mix of different colours.
he customer had virgin hair, so Toshie first lightened her hair with bleach before applying the grayge colours to her hair .
Customer was pleased with the result as the switch from black hair gave her image a huge change-up .
Advice from the stylist Although such (grayge) colours tend to be rather eye-catching, as they are applied as inner colours (in this case), the customer would have more room to present their hair in different ways with different styling patterns.
Customer can choose to show off the inner colours with a half-up or full up-do, or go for a more subdued look by letting their hair down.
Customer's thoughts on the outcome Preferred long hair, but also a little tired of it.
Wanted an image change, but did not have the courage to chop off her hair completely.
Stylist's thoughts on the outcome For customers who would prefer to not have their hair cut short, but would like to have a hairstyle with styling versatility, this inner colouring menu would be the perfect fit.
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