



Types of colouring techniques BALAYAGE / GREY COLOUR
Customer's preference Customer wanted a long-lasting colour with good lustre. Style-wise, she specifically requested for highlights, gradation style colour, and grey colour.
Advice from the stylist Grey colours usually involve lightening of the hair in the first step of the colouring procedure, which tends to place a lot of stress on the hair. As such, I mainly advised her on how to choose the appropriate shampoos and treatments for post-colouring home care.
Customer's thoughts on the outcome She was happy with the outcome, as the resulting colour matched her preferences and created a beautiful contrast.
Stylist's thoughts on the outcome With the balayage technique, damage done to the hair can be kept to a minimum, with only the surface and ends of the hair bearing the brunt of the stress from the lightening process. The balayage technique also enables the creation of natural-looking highlights and gradation colours, and I am glad to have been able to create a beautiful grey colour (with this technique).
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