



Types of colouring techniques CRAZY COLOUR
Customer's preference Customer wanted a cute colour that would be long-lasting, possess good lustre, and offset the yellowish tones of her hair. She also requested for an image change.
Advice from the stylist As I lightened her hair and applied the cherry violet colour without using bleach, I mainly advised her on how to select the appropriate shampoos and treatments to help her hair colour last longer.
Customer's thoughts on the outcome She got an image change as per her request and found the end result cute, and, as such, was happy with the outcome.
Stylist's thoughts on the outcome The cherry violet colour used on this customer is a fun design colour which intensity can appear differently depending on the undercolour of the customer's hair. I am glad I was able to give her a colour that matched her vision of her hair.
Singapore Hair Salon Art-Noise TOP

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